ASP.NET Web Forms Application

Starting a Web Forms Project

Using Visual Studio select File -> New -> Project, and select an ASP.NET Web Application. Make sure that the Location is a folder you can easily find on your hard drive or memory stick (something like C:\HND\SD_Project). Call the project something like WinesWebFormsApplication. Please note spaces are not allowed in names, use underbar if needed to break up names into several words. Make sure that you have chosen the appropriate language C# or VB

New Project

In Visual Studio you can also create web sites, however they also use a hidden solution file, and when the folder is moved from home to college it can cause problems. Projects on the other hand have a project file and a solution file all in one folder, so moving the folder causes less problems. You can however use Dreamweaver to open the inner project folder as a web site if you wish to use Dreamweaver to edit the HTML.

Folder Structure An Asp.Net Web Application contains a complete web site well structured with folders for the database, scripts (javascript files), and a styles folder for your cascading style sheets. Just add an Images folder, and folders for the Client and Admin web pages, and that should then match the template provided by DMU.

The biggest advantage of using this as a starting point is that it contains a system for user logins, registrations and password changes. The web pages are stored in the Account folder. PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER A USER UNTIL YOU HAVE CONFIGURED THE DATABASE AS OUTLINED IN THE Web.Config WEB PAGE. As soon as you register your first user an SQL Server Database is created that cannot be easily modified later.

Another advantage is that this project uses a Site.Master web page which is a template used by all other web pages in the web site. It contains the web site header, footer and navigation system which is best kept the same for each web page. The other web pages sit inside the master page in content regions (similar to Dreamweaver Templates). To add new menu entries to your web site modify the master page, try this out by adding a new AddCustomer web form to the Client folder, and add a menu entry to that page in the master page.

Add Customer