Unit 22: Developing Computer Games

Assessment 3: Game Coding

  • P4: Develop a computer game for a given specifcation
  • P7: Produce technical documentation for a computer game

Lesson Activities

  1. 10 min Tutor & Students: Create a new Greenfoot Scenario in an empty folder inside a folder for Unit 22
  2. 10 min Tutor: Demonstrate how to create a new local Git Repository based on your Greenfoot project folder.
  3. 10 min Students: One student from each pair needs to create a new local repository for your Java game.
    • Using Git Extensions Create Repository
    • Edit gitIgnore file (*.class *.ctxt project.greenfoot doc)
    • Stage Changes
    • Commit Changes with message
  4. 10 min Tutor: Demonstrate how to export Java classes from a UML class diagram using Visual Paradigm into the greenfoot folder
  5. 10 min Students: Export your Java classes from your UML classs diagram using Visual Paradigm into your greenfoot folder. You may have to switch to the Standard Edition and activate licence key. Restart Greenfoot!, compile, and commit the changes to your local repository.
    VP Switching
  6. 10 min Tutor: Demonstrate how to create a www.bitbucket.org account and create a new remote Java Git Repository.
  7. 5 min Students: Create an individual Bitbucket account using your Oaklands.ac.uk email address. You can add your private email address later, and make it the primary email address.
  8. 10 min Tutor: Demonstrate how to create a new remote Git Repository and show how to share it with selected people.
  9. 5 min Students: One student from each pair needs to create a new remote repository for your Java game. Share this repository with your tutor and your team worker, goto Settings > Access Management.
  10. 10 min Tutor: Demonstrate how to push the changes in a local repository to the Remote Git Repository.

Useful Resources