Synchronising Local & Remote Repositories

Having created a remote Git repository based on your Greenfoot game, a copy of the files need pushing to the empty remote repository. In Bitbucket dashboard click on Clone and copy the Git command.

Cloning command

In Git Extensions click on Commands > Push and then Manage Remotes. In Remote Repositories enter a name (to avoid confusion use the same name as the name in Bitbucket) and then paste in the clone command. You need to remove Git Clone to leave the Save this remote definition and say yest to automatic configure.

You are now ready to push all the changes to the remote repository.

Say yes to everything! You should be rewarded by a success message!

Your partner will ned to take a complete copy of the Remote repository initially (or if you loose your copy). In Git Extensions select Clone repository, and using the same remote URL, select a suitable folder on your local PC or laptop as the destination. Select a suitable name for the subdirectory, it does not have to be the same name as the remote repository, but it needs to be an empty or non-existing folder. As the project.greenfoot files was escluded from version control, create a new Greenfoot scenario, and copy that file and the README.txt file into you new repository. Thar will turn it into a greenfoot scenario.

Whenever you start a new session you should Pull a copy of any changes your partner may have made. At the end of every session you need to Push your changes to the remote so that your partner can Pull your changes down.