IMAT1604: Visual Web Development

Web Page Code - Presentation Layer

The Web page is what the user sees, and interacts with. It is referred to as the Presentation Layer, and is the front layer of a three layered architecture. It contains a form with user interface controls such as text box and button.

Driving Test 1

For the first driving test a web page is needed that allows the user to enter a record id, and then click on a Delete button to delete that record from the database. A web page can be created by Adding a New item to a Visual Studio project and selecting Web Form. Web Forms contain HTML5 into which a <form> can be added. The form in the following page contains an ASP ListBox, TextBox, Label and Button all of which have appropriate Ids.

Delete Web Page HTML Code

Design View

The user interface for the first driving test is very simple, in later tests, the ListBox will display all the records, so that a user can select the record they wish to edit, rather than have to enter the record id.

Delete Web Page HTML Code