IMAT1604: Visual Web Development
DatabaseQuery Code - Constructors
In C# the name of the Constructor method is the same as the
class name, the constructor does not have a return type.
DatabaseQuery has two constructors, the constructor without
a parameter assumes that the database connection string is
called AddressBookDbConnectionString.
The other constructor is the one that will be used more
often as it creates a connection to any database given
the appropriate connection string name.
DatabaseQuery myQuery = new DatabaseQuery("WinesDbConnectionString");
DatabaseQuery Code - AddParameter
This method needs to be called once for each SQL Parameter
in the stored procedure query. The parameters must be added
in the correct order. With an INSERT query there will one
SQL Parameter for each field in the record, whereas the
simplest SELECT query might have no parameters.
DatabaseQuery Code - Execute()
The code to execute any stored procedure, including Select,
Insert, Delete and Update. The database connection
is opened, and an SqlCommand is created based on the
Stored procedure. The CommandBuilder is used to
automatically generate Inser, Delete and Update
queries. The DataAdaptor is used to fill the DataTable
with the records retrieved by the stored procedure.
The database connection is automatically closed at the end
of the Using block.
DatabaseQuery Code - CreateCommand
The CreateCommand method creates an SqlCommand based on
the stored procedure name, and the database connection.
All the Sql Parameters in the SqlParameters list are then
added to this command.