CTEC2402: Sofware Development Project
Web.Config: Database Connections
Whenever databases are used with web pages, a
connection to the database is required. In the
VB modules the connection was made in VB code
in a pre-written calss provided by DMU. In
both MVC and Web Forms it is more typical to
connect the database using a Connection String
stored in an XML file called Web.Config
Microsoft Membership System
Most web sites need to authenticate users so that
their personal data can only be accessed by the
user who owns the data, and administrators of the
web site. Both Web Forms and MVC have an inbuilt
system to manage user names and passwords called
the Microsoft Membership system. To use this you need
a connection string called DefaultConnection (see below)
Automatic Database Creation
Thus in most web sites there is a need for two databases
the membership database and the database to support
the main functions of the web site. Although it is possible
to combine the tables from both databases into one database,
it is easier to keep them separate whilst development is taking
place. The membership database is created when the first user
registers, the web site database will be created as soon as
any web page is accessed that uses data from that database.
Connection strings are inserted into the Web.Config file.
Connection Strings
There are three variations on SQL Server database files.
There is a compact version of SQL Server but
it does not work well when
the database is dropped and re-created so do not use
this database for MVC. There is another referrred to as
(LocalDb) v11.0 which is built in to Visual Studio 2012
and this works better than any other. Click on the links below in
order to be able to copy the connection string and paste it
into your web.config file.
Change the name TalkIsCheap to the name of your current project
With the connection strings in place run your program and
register yourself and your project partner as users of
the system. You can then add new controllers and CRUD
web pages to your project as outlined below in
Controllers & Views. When you
access those web pages for the first time the project
database will be created automatically! To see the
database(s) set Show All Files, and then select the
database and right click to include in the project.
Updating the Project Database
In order for changes to the Models classes to be reflected in
the project database you need to add one line of code to the
Global.aspx file. The line of code can be copied from your
DatabaseContext.cs class in the models folder. It is last line
in the block comments. Copy it to Global.aspx and remove the comment
With that line in place very time the model classes are modifed
the database is dropped and re-created. ALL DATA IS LOST!!!
I will show you how to re-populate the database using code in
a later web page.