Unit 6: Software Design and Development

Week 6: Part 2 - Application Design

  • P6: use appropriate tools to design a solution to a defined requirement
    • Requirements specification: inputs, outputs, processing, user interface; constraints eg hardware platforms, timescales for development
    • Design: structure eg functions, procedures, objects; data; file
    • Tools: eg structure diagrams, DFDs, ERM;
    • Review: against specifications requirements
  • M2 Justify the choice of data types and software structures used in a design solution
  • D2 Develop algorithms to represent a design solution
    • algorithms eg using pseudo code

Stage 1: Analysis of User Requirements (2 weeks)

The assessment provides a summary of requirements, but these need to be developed into a detailed requirements specification as in the first stage of the classic software development lifecycle. The requirements will consist of:-

  • Summary of Requirements
  • Use Case Diagram, and Use Case Specifications
  • Drawings, Wireframes or storyboards

Stage 2: Software Design (2 weeks)

  • Class Diagram (M2: Justification of Data Types)
  • Sequence Diagram(s)
  • Activity Diagram/Pseudo Code (D2: Algorithm)

Lesson Activities

  1. 20min Students: In your design groups of four compare and contrast your list of points on Design Principles, Software Structues and lifecycles.
  2. 20 min Tutor: Presentation Use Case Diagrams
  3. 10 min Tutor: Demonstrate creating a project in Visual Paradigm and starting a use case diagram
  4. 20 min Students: In pairs create a use Case Diagram in Visual Paradigm using the scenarios provided Hi-Tech Restaurant or the game Crab Escape
  5. 10 min Students: Each pair in the team of four should review the other pairs diagram, and suggest improvements and alternatives
  6. 10 min Tutor: Recap the design process and where the use case diagram fits in the classic software development lifecycle

Useful Resources

  • Explore: the resources listed on Unit 6 Criteria page
  • Video: A usefull demonstration of creating business use case diagrams in UML 2.0
  • Download: a free community edition of Visual Paradigm Version 11.2 go to other options and download the free install version to mount on your memory sticks
  • Use: a free online edition of Lucid Chart (UML) Diagrams to save the diagram you will have to sign up for the free edition using your college email address. Click on Try it now and then New Page to start a new diagram, you need to click on more shapes and add the UML shapes.
  • Tablet App: there are some free UML diagram apps for Android you could use. try