Unit 6: Software Design and Development

Assessment 2: Application Design - Task 2

  • P6: use appropriate tools to design a solution to a defined requirement
    • Requirements specification: inputs, outputs, processing, user interface; constraints eg hardware platforms, timescales for development
    • Design: structure eg functions, procedures, objects; data; file
    • Tools: eg structure diagrams, DFDs, ERM;
    • Review: against specifications requirements
  • M2 Justify the choice of data types and software structures used in a design solution
  • D2 Develop algorithms to represent a design solution
    • algorithms eg using pseudo code

Lesson Activities

  1. 10 min Tutor: Load Visual Paradigm whilst recapping the principles of class diagrams.
  2. 10 min Tutor: (M2) Explain how to select data types for attributes and return types for methods (operations).
  3. 10 min: Students Select data types for attributes and operations
  4. 20 min Tutor: Demonstrate how to create a sequence diagram for my Crab Escape Start Game
  5. 20 min: Students Create a sequence diagram for Start Game.
  6. 10 min Tutor: Demonstrate how the sequence diagram can be used to identify missing operations e.g. constructors
  7. 10 min: Students Add any missing operations or constructors
  8. 20 min Tutor: (D2) Demonstrate how create an activity diagram to represent an algorithm in the game.
  9. 20 min: Students Create an example Activity Diagram which can be modifed later.

Useful Resources