Visual Paradigm

License Key Activation

College staff and students can use the Academic Licence Key provided to use Visual Paradigm 14.1 Standard Edition.

Installing Visual Paradigm 14.1

Goto Visual Paradigm website and select the Try Now menu option. Click on the more options and select 64 bit windows (you may need to check you PC system is 64 bits).

You can also install an InstallFree version on a memory stick so that you can use it on other computers.

Academic Licence Activation

Having installed Visual Paradigm 14.1, load the software. You should see a screen as shown below.

Click on Academic License

Then enter the licence key copied from Oaklearn and enter your name and Oaklands College email address.

You will then be sent a Verification Code which you need to pick up from your College emails and enter into the dialog box. (This code will be different to the one shown below)

You should then be valid until January 2018. The college will then renew the licence at that point. You can however always switch from the Standard Edition to the Community Edition which is free, but does not aloow team work.

Changing Editions

Goto the Windows tab and select License Manager

Click on License Manager

Click on Change License

Click on the n Days FREE Evaluation

Select the Standard Edition from the list (or any other edition). You can have 30 days free evaluation of any other edition. You will be taken back to the licence manager

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