This page contains support for installing a version of Visual Paradigm at home or on your memory stick or user area.
For £5 you should be able to purchase (Amazon for example) a 16 GByte USB 3.0 memory stick. Be careful USB 2.0 sticks are much slower at home, although they may be the same speed in college on older PCs.
Download the INSTALL FREE version of the software which will just need to be unzipped onto your memory sticks, or pasted into your user areas at College.
Licence activation will be the same.
When the dialog appears for licence activation you need to select the Academic Licence as shonw below
You then need to select Academic Partner Program License
Finally you can paste in the licence key you have copied from Oaklearn (I cannot paste it on this web page as it is only legal for Oakland College students to use this licence key)
Enter you name, and your Oaklands College email address. Each time you use the software you have to be online so that the licence key can be checked.