Examples of Visual Paradigm Analysis & Design

Use Case Analysis

Use case analysis is the heart of UML (Unified Modelling Language) and it summarises how users of a system (Actors) can access various actions (Use Cases) the system provides to achieve a particular goal,

Example Use Case Diagram
Example Use Case Diagram for a simple game where a user moves a crab to eat worms and tries to avoid being eaten by the enemy otter

For more detail see Use Case Diagram Tutorial

Class Diagrams

The class diagram provides a design for the software and shows how the code will be structured into classes, each class containing methods and attributes

The class diagram can generate code and documentation for the game in a range of programming languages

For more detail see Class Diagram Tutorial

Class Diagram Specifications

Each class, method and attribute can have detailed specifications and descriptions which can be generated as code comments

ERD Diagrams for Generating Databases

Class diagrams were developed from ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagrams) which were used to design database management systems. They define Entities which contain Attributes

For more detail see How to Design Relational Databases

Data Dictionaries

ERD Diagrams can generate the database using DBMS systems such as SQL Server or Oracle, and they can also generate documentation such as Data Dictionaries